Yes, the blockchain is truly revolutionary. Yes, bitcoin is Tulipmania 2.0. Yes, cryptocurrency is a nail in the coffin of the bankster parasites. Yes, digital currency is a tool of the totalitarian tyrants. No, these statements are not contradictory. But don’t worry if you think they are. You’re just a victim of "The Bitcoin Psyop."
Youtube info. Το Blockchain, η βασική τεχνολογία πίσω από το Bitcoin (ηλεκτρονικό νόμισμα), είναι ένα νέο δίκτυο που βοηθά στην αποκέντρωση του εμπορίου και επιτρέπει περισσότερες συναλλαγές από ομότιμους χρήστες. Το WIRED προσκάλεσε την πολιτικό επιστήμονα και blockchain ερευνήτρια Bettina Warburg να εξηγήσει την τεχνολογία blockchain σε 5 διαφορετικούς ανθρώπους. Ένα παιδί, έναν έφηβο, έναν σπουδαστή κολλεγίου, έναν πτυχιούχο και έναν ειδικό.
Blockchain, the key technology behind Bitcoin, is a new network that helps decentralize trade, and allows for more peer-to-peer transactions. WIRED challenged political scientist and blockchain researcher Bettina Warburg to explain blockchain technology to 5 different people; a child, a teen, a college student, a grad student, and an expert.
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So with false ballistic missile alerts causing panic and disruption across the state, everyone is left asking "What the hell just happened in Hawaii?" A simple mistake? Secret intercept? Government psyop? Drill gone almost live? Something else entirely? Corbett Report members are encouraged to log in and leave any data or information in the comments below.
- The report from Euronews
A false alarm has put the people of Hawaii through a terrifying ordeal.